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Warehouse Officer

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PT Pelita Air Service (Pelita Air), sebagai salah satu perusahaan penerbangan terkemuka di Indonesia, saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Warehouse Officer. Dengan komitmen untuk memberikan layanan terbaik dalam industri penerbangan, Pelita Air mencari individu yang dinamis dan berpengalaman untuk bergabung dalam tim mereka. Posisi ini sangat penting dalam memastikan pengelolaan dan distribusi barang yang efisien di fasilitas gudang perusahaan. Jika Anda memiliki keterampilan organisasi yang baik, ketelitian dalam pengawasan inventaris, dan semangat untuk berkontribusi dalam sistem logistik yang terintegrasi, kesempatan ini bisa menjadi langkah awal karier Anda di lingkungan yang profesional dan berkembang.

2. Warehouse Officer

Job Description :

  • Ensure all material documentation and certain transaction records are well-maintained;
  • Ensure that only approved spare parts and materials are stored in the warehouse, following the FIFO (First In, First Out) method;
  • Ensure the necessary spare parts for maintenance and stock are well-distributed;
  • Monitor and ensure the proper handling of aircraft spare parts and materials entering and leaving the storage area, whether in serviceable or unserviceable condition;
  • Ensure warehouse functions such as packing, shipping, disposal of used parts, or warranty parts are handled correctly, documented properly, and the warehouse environment is controlled according to standard requirements;
  • Ensure aircraft materials in the warehouse remain in good condition, including routine maintenance and periodic inspections.

Qualification :

  • Minimum associate degree (D3) or equivalent in Industrial Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, General Engineering, or Management;
  • At least 3 years of work experience.
  • Understanding of inventory control concepts;
  • Ability to coordinate and communicate effectively both internally and externally;
  • Maximum35 years (experienced) by January 2025.

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