Full Time

Lead Engineer, Floating System & OPF

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Mubadala Energy Indonesia, salah satu perusahaan terkemuka dalam industri energi, saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Lead Engineer, Floating System & OPF. Dalam era transisi energi yang semakin berkembang, peran ini menjadi krusial untuk mendukung proyek-proyek inovatif yang berfokus pada pengembangan sistem floating dan fasilitas produksi yang efisien. Dengan komitmen yang kuat terhadap keberlanjutan dan teknologi mutakhir, Mubadala Energy Indonesia mencari individu yang memiliki keahlian teknis dan pengalaman yang mendalam untuk bergabung dalam tim dinamis ini, guna menghadapi tantangan dan menciptakan solusi yang berdampak positif bagi industri energi di tanah air.

Responsibilities :

  • Develop plan and project definition of floating system which include topside facilities, hull and mooring system.
  • Lead the team to build engineering design of topside facilities, hull and mooring system from conceptual up to execution phase.
  • Develop floating system contracting strategy and generate contract scope of work.
  • Execute and manage floating system  contracts.
  • Support PM or VP Project to build project execution plan including stage gate process submission and assurance plan.

Qualifications :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in engineering, Master degree is preferable.
  • Minimum 25 year experiences in oil & gas project with 15 years experience in deepwater and 10 years as a lead engineer or manager of floating system.
  • Highly knowledge and self-direct experience in floating system, hull and mooring system and topside engineering from conceptual stage, FEED up to EPCI execution
  • Skillful project management which include planning, contracting strategy, cost and schedule management, project risk and interface management and Regulatory permitting.
  • Experience in developing contract documents, carrying out tender process and managing contractors of shipyard, topside fabrication yard and floating system integration.

*Wajib mengisi data diri di Google Form & Apply for Position di website Mubadala.


  • By applying for this position at Mubadala Energy, you expressly consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information for recruitment and employment purposes in accordance with the Mubadala Energy Data Privacy Policy and the country specific Personal Data Protection Act.

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