Unilever Leadership Internship Program (ULIP) CD Area
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, sebagai salah satu perusahaan consumer goods terkemuka di dunia, kembali membuka kesempatan emas bagi para mahasiswa dan fresh graduates melalui program Unilever Leadership Internship Program (ULIP) di area Customer Development (CD). Program ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung dalam dunia bisnis yang dinamis dan menantang, sekaligus membekali peserta dengan keterampilan kepemimpinan yang diperlukan untuk berkarir di industri yang kompetitif.
Dengan berpartisipasi dalam ULIP, peserta tidak hanya akan mendapatkan wawasan mendalam tentang strategi pemasaran dan penjualan, tetapi juga kesempatan untuk berkontribusi pada proyek-proyek nyata yang dapat memengaruhi pertumbuhan perusahaan.
Mari bergabung dan bersiaplah untuk mengembangkan potensi terbaik Anda bersama salah satu perusahaan paling inovatif dan berpengaruh di Indonesia!
ULIP CD Area adalah program magang yang dirancang khusus untuk membentuk para talent Customer Development terbaik Unilever di masa depan. Nantinya para ULIP CD Area akan ditempatkan di berbagai area di seluruh Indonesia.
ULIP CD Area sekaligus menjadi kesempatan emasmu untuk meraih Golden Ticket menuju UFresh!
Lebih detail:
Our Customer Development teams partner with customers to pioneer new products, categories and concepts. A Customer Development role with us will see you providing leadership in shopper trends, habits, and behaviors. You would embark on experiences areas such as Account Management, Distribution Management, Channel and Category Development.
ULIP Customer Development Depo is 6 months internship program designed to prepare future Unilever talents through challenging projects. ULIP give you an opportunity to see the business and experience with a very supportive learning environment and direct professional development from Unilever leaders. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a talent ready with a strong leadership impact.
- Final year student or fresh graduate from all majors.
- Min. Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30.
- Have strong leadership capability, active in organization, and passion to work in FMCG
- Passion in Sales Field and willing to be placed in Sales Depo
- Available for full-time internship start from 16 April – 15 October 2025
- WNl
Recruitment Timeline
- Due Date Application: 17 Feb – 5 Mar
- Selection Process: 17 – 28 Mar
- Joining Date: 16 April 2025
Please apply online, your application will be reviewed against our requirements.
Don’t forget to follow IG: Kami.Unilever to get more information about this program.
Please apply online, your application will be reviewed against our requirements.
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If you have a growth mindset, good business acumen, strong at agility and passionate for high performance, you are the one that we are looking for!
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