Site Manager
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Lowongan Kerja PT Tracon Industri (TRACON): Site Manager
PT Tracon Industri (TRACON) sedang membuka kesempatan emas bagi para profesional yang berambisi untuk bergabung dalam tim mereka sebagai Site Manager. Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri dengan reputasi yang solid, TRACON menawarkan lingkungan kerja yang dinamis dan tantangan yang menarik. Posisi ini sangat strategis karena bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan proyek di lokasi, memastikan bahwa semua kegiatan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan standar yang ditetapkan. Bagi Anda yang memiliki pengalaman dalam manajemen proyek serta kemampuan kepemimpinan yang kuat, ini adalah peluang yang tidak boleh Anda lewatkan untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan industri di Indonesia.
1. Site Manager
2. Engineer Manager
3. Project Control
- Lead Project Control
- Project Control
4. Process Engineer
- Lead Process Engineer
- Process Engineer
5. Mechanical Engineer
- Lead Mechanical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
6. Rotating Engineer
- Lead Rotating Engineer
- Rotating Engineer
7. Piping Engineer
- Lead Piping Engineer
- Piping Engineer
8. Electrical Engineer
- Lead Electrical Engineer
- Electrical Engineer
9. Instrument & Control Engineer
- Lead Instrument & Control Engineer
- Instrument & Control Engineer
10. Civil Engineer
- Lead Civil Engineer
- Civil Engineer
- Education at least S1 Engineering,
- Have experience in paper mill:
- Min 6 years for Lead
- Min 3 years for Engineer
- Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Site
- Having certification in the field is preferred
If you match the qualifications we are looking for, please send your updated application, Curriculum Vitae including Certificates and Exepected Salary to the email address
Send your resume before 10 February 2025
Please write name and proposed position at the subject. (Name_Position) for example: (Adam_Position)
Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be process