Full Time

Senior Mechanical Engineer

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PT Bumi Nickel Morowali, sebuah perusahaan terkemuka di sektor pertambangan nikel, sedang membuka lowongan untuk posisi Senior Mechanical Engineer. Dalam era perkembangan industri yang pesat, peran seorang insinyur mekanik sangat vital untuk memastikan operasional yang efisien dan inovatif. Posisi ini menawarkan kesempatan bagi para profesional yang berpengalaman untuk berkontribusi dalam proyek-proyek strategis dan pengembangan teknologi di salah satu lokasi pertambangan terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan lingkungan kerja yang dinamis dan tantangan yang menarik, PT Bumi Nickel Morowali mencari individu yang tidak hanya memiliki keahlian teknis, tetapi juga semangat untuk berinovasi dan berkolaborasi dalam tim yang solid.

Senior Mechanical Engineer

The purpose of this role is to provide technical support for PTVls project team during the project implementation phase i.e. development studies. detail engineering design, construction. installation, commissioning and close out phases. The above-mentioned technical support will be but not limited to technical verification. clarification, document review quality check and validation with the aim of providing views or input from technical perspective in decision making. Ensure by checking. one or more mechanical design by JV partner or its proxy have been done correctly and meet proper engineering standard. And then field validating that all proper design made during DED are correctly implemented in installation phase.

Accountabilities :

Provide mechanical engineering works by prioritizing EHS principles. Co-working with JV partner. their consultant, technology provider to review their report. calculation or other deliverables document and give them feedback as represent PT Vale Indonesia requirement and interest. DO technical assistant and problem-solving during construction, installation and commissioning phase.

  • Comply to PT Vale Indonesia policies. EHS procedures. International and Indonesia engineering codes.
  • Considering enterprise sustainability policies in every decision.
  • Develop design and engineering work package with supporting detail calculation available.
  • Working together with external engineering consultant or internal engineering department. Do engineering calculation or back analysis in order to check, assess or prove their design.
  • Develop technical specification for equipment/materials.
  • Develop or review project schedule and cost estimate according to engineering work package and technical specification.
  • Create material requisition for equipment & materials.
  • Review technical proposal from vendor and technical bid evaluation.
  • Compose engineering scope of work for tender purpose.
  • Provide alternatives and recommendations to engineering manager or project manager for improvement purpose.
  • Involve in review of engineering construction/installation drawings to ensure a comprehensive package is issued and constructible.
  • Perform periodic inspection to ensure the work is technically being performed in accordance with engineering work package.
  • Resolve technical issues during project execution and commissioning.
  • Responsible for the quality.
  • Carry out optimum engineering design using best current practice and be able to accept responsibility for a safe and reliable result.
  • Ensure project design is completed within the minimum necessary amount for engineering work.
  • Maintain document to ensure comprehensive record is available for subsequent reference.
  • Cooperative work with project team and communicate ideas effectively
  • Identify. develop. justify and implement cost saving initiatives in his area of responsibility.

Technical Requirements

She or he holds an engineering degree with minimum 8 years practical design engineering experiences.

  • Leadership skills.
  • Interaction management skills (oral & written communication, motivational & human relations).
  • Extensive knowledge of engineering discipline, including but not limited to engineering design software and manual calculations.
  • Knowledgeable of Project Management principles.
  • Knowledgeable of multidiscipline engineering design
  • Knowledgeable of the Nickel Production Process — from Raw Material to Final Product and  Auxiliary System
  • Knowledgeable in contract and procurement.
  • Knowledgeable in project cost estimation
  • Knowledgeable in ESG.
  • Knowledgeable in safety system.
  • Computer & Internet literate.
  • Knowledgeable of Management of Change.
  • Knowledge in applicable laws. company standards and policies.
  • Knowledge of applicable engineering design standards. national and international standards.
  • English language skills.

Qualifications :

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from reputable University and recognized as professional engineer by PII.
  • Minimum Education : Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
  • Certification : IPM

Syarat & Ketentuan

  • Melengkapi kebutuhan dokumen dalam format file PDF dengan max document 1 MB (CV, Sertifikat Pendukung, Ijazah Terakhir)
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria dan dokumen lengkap ang akan kami proses untuk seleksi lebih lanjut.


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