Full Time

Mineral Processing Engineer

Applications have closed

PT United Tractors Tbk, salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di sektor pertambangan dan alat berat di Indonesia, saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Mineral Processing Engineer. Posisi ini menawarkan peluang bagi para profesional yang berpengalaman di bidang pengolahan mineral untuk bergabung dalam tim yang dinamis dan berkontribusi pada proyek-proyek inovatif. Dengan fokus pada keberlanjutan dan efisiensi operasional, PT United Tractors Tbk berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan sumber daya alam dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab, menjadikan posisi ini sangat strategis dalam mendukung visi perusahaan untuk menjadi pemimpin di industri pertambangan. Jika Anda memiliki keahlian dan passion dalam pengolahan mineral, kesempatan ini bisa menjadi langkah awal yang menjanjikan dalam karier Anda.

Job Description

  • Lead the research and development of advanced techniques for the extraction, purification, and processing of minerals, including the use of sustainable technologies to reduce environmental impact.
  • Conduct detailed feasibility studies on new mineral deposits, assessing resource availability, extraction efficiency, and the environmental impact of mining activities.
  • Develop and implement strategies to expand the company’s presence in the mineral industry, including market entry plans and client acquisition strategies.
  • Analyze geological data, exploration reports, and market intelligence to identify potential mining sites and investment opportunities.
  • Provide technical support and expertise to business development initiatives, including interpreting geological data, assessing mineral resources, and optimizing mining processes.


  • Minimum 3 years of experience in mineral processing, mineral expert, and related field.
  • Minimum Master’s degree in Metallurgy, Geology, Mining Engineering, Mineral or a related field.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Fluent in English, able to use it in daily conversation and correspondence.
  • Capable of speaking Mandarin, it can be considered a plus point.
  • Strong teamwork and communication skills, proactive thinking, fast learning, and adaptation abilities.
  • Understand the mineral purification process.
  • Experience with handling end-to-end business expansion in mineral sector.
  • Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.


Due to the high volume of applicants, we apologies that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and proceed further.

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