Consumer Market Insight
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PT L’Oreal Indonesia membuka kesempatan emas bagi para mahasiswa dan lulusan baru untuk bergabung dalam program L’Oreal High Flyer Internship 2025 di bidang Consumer Market Insight. Program ini dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman praktis yang mendalam di industri kecantikan, sekaligus memperkenalkan peserta pada dinamika pasar dan perilaku konsumen. Dalam era di mana pemahaman akan kebutuhan dan preferensi konsumen menjadi kunci kesuksesan bisnis, internship ini menawarkan kesempatan bagi individu yang bersemangat dan inovatif untuk mengembangkan keterampilan analitis dan strategis, serta berkontribusi pada pengembangan produk yang relevan dan menarik. Bergabunglah dengan L’Oreal, salah satu pemimpin global di sektor kecantikan, dan jadilah bagian dari perjalanan menciptakan inovasi yang menginspirasi!
High Flyer Internship is a 6-months program designed for dynamic and ambitious students eager to gain real life working experience under industry experts. You will be given real responsibilities and become the pilot that navigates the project from its departure until it reaches its destination.
- Brand Business
- Brand Communications
- Brand Digital Media & Community
- Consumer Market Insight
- E-Commerce
- Finance
- Information Technology
- Medial
- Product Marketing
- Research & Innovation
- Scientific & Regulatory Affairs
- Supply Chain
Qualifications :
- University students, preferably final-year students
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 or equivalent
- Proficient in English With strong communication skills
- Available to work full-time for a duration 6 monts
- Demonstrated leadership experience
- Dynamic and creative with a high-energy level
What you will get?
- Paid internship
- First-hand experience in beauty company
- Become the pilot that navigates and drives project
- Potential career advancement to Management Trainee program
- You can apply to up to three jobs within a rolling 30-day window.
- You cannot withdraw your application once you applied, so please make sure to choose a job that matches your dreams.
- Please visit “Your Application Space” to see the jobs you have already applied to.
- Please don’t create another account with a different email. If you do so, your account might be merged and your application record will be deleted.